2018 Call for Research Proposals & Producer Ideas

Submission deadline: 4:30 PM November 30, 2018

Call for proposals is targeted to promote Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiative priority areas and attract resources to address research and extension demand. It is important that the research and extension projects conducted at MBFI address knowledge gaps and challenges in Manitoba’s beef and forage production sectors. Special attention will be given to the goal of improving collaboration between beef and forage researchers and extension staff, and to ensuring the efficient use of available resources while remaining flexible to evolving sector needs.

Project information and results are to be communicated to producers using techniques that are designed to improve adoption rates. Findings will also be extended to the general public, policy makers, and the media to engage informed decision making regarding the beef and forage industries.

The purpose of this call is to gather potential project proposals that fit the priorities of this initiative as defined in the 2018 MBFI Project Proposal Application. Please see Information for Researchers under the Research tab on MBFI’s website for proposal templates.

Please note: funding for 2018 and beyond has not been confirmed due to the transition between funding programs of Growing Forward 2 to the new Canadian Agricultural Partnership program.
