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Annual forage polycrop to build soil health
Project Details
Project Lead: Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives
Years: 2022 - present
Project Status: Ongoing
Funding & In-Kind Support: DLF Pickseed, Secan, Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Location: Brookdale Farm
Scope: Demonstration
Keywords: Soil Health, Annual Forages, Polycropping
Compare two annual cropping treatments (monocrop and polycrop) grown for greenfeed and their yearly and cumulative effects.
Determine differences in annual crop forage yield, including treatment impact on desirable species and weed pressure. Forage yield at harvest and regrowth after harvest is considered.
Determine differences in forage quality
Determine differences in soil fertility
Determine differences in soil health indicators
Examine the costs of implementing each treatment
Key Findings
Forage Yield:
In 2022, the barley polycrop yielded 650 lb/ac more than the barley monocrop.
Weed pressure was not different between treatments.
Forage Quality:
Crude protein was 3% higher in the barley polycrop compared to the barley monocrop.
Total digestible nutrients was similar between treatments.
Calcium, magnesium, and potassium were higher in the barley polycrop than the barley monocrop.
Soil Fertility:
After one growing season, there are no differences in any soil nutrients.
Yield of the seeded barley monocrop and barley intercrop in 2022.
Full Reports:
Related Projects at MBFI:
Industry Resources:
Integrating Cover Crops - BCRC webinar presented by Jillian Bainard
Cover Crops - BCRC
MCVET Annual Forage Trial (1) (2) - Manitoba Crop Diversification Centres
This topic was published January 30, 2023 and revised April 3, 2023.