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First Street Grazing: Impact of Rest & Duration
Project Details
Project Lead: Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives
Collaborators: Mae Elsinger (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
Years: 2022 - present
Project Status: Ongoing
Funding & In-Kind Support: Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Location: First Street Pasture
Scope: Demonstration
Keywords: Grazing Management, Perennial Forages
Implement a paired rotational system at First Street Pasture, with one being a one-day duration and the other being a multi-day duration (up to two weeks).
Both systems will evaluate forage productivity, forage quality, plant species composition, leafy spurge abundance, pasture health, grazing days, labour, and materials.
Grazing sequence, duration, and paddock/cell sizes for the two rotational systems at First Street Pasture in 2022. In 2023, the one-day duration paddocks will be grazed first and last.
Full Reports:
2022 interim report will be posted shortly
Related Projects at MBFI:
Industry Resources:
Grazing Management - BCRC
Pasture Management - Manitoba Agriculture
Getting Started with Intensive Grazing - Manitoba Agriculture
Range and Pasture Health Workbook - Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association
Rangeland Health Assessment for Grassland, Forest, & Tame Pasture - Alberta Environment & Parks