Winkler Canvas has MBFI Covered
Manitoba Firm’s Generous Donation To Be Announced at Extended Grazing Workshop
Brandon, Mb (Dec 7, 2016) — Pretty much everyone will tell you that extended grazing means extended attention and care for livestock. And that’s why an exciting announcement with Winkler Canvas is a perfect addition to a jam-packed day at Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiative (MBFI)’s Extended Grazing Workshop at the Brookdale MBFI site on December 8, 2016.
“All familiar with Canada’s Prairies know that dealing with the wide range of weather conditions can be a challenge of work and residency,” says Ramona Blyth, MBFI chair. “And that’s why we are thrilled to announce a generous partnership with Winkler Canvas that will provide the top notch protection from the elements on two of our research farms located near Brandon, Mb.”
Winkler Canvas is one of the first manufacturers of fabric structures in North America. Derek Wiebe, Fabric Structures Sales for Winkler Canvas says the company saw a great fit for their buildings on the MBFI sites and also fully understood the value of MBFI research. Wiebe says the win-win scenario was a key reason for Winkler Canvas to strike a gift-in-kind deal with MBFI on the structures.
“Winkler Canvas got its start by providing the local farming community with protective tarps for everything you can think of,” says Wiebe. “Our Fabric Structures division is an extension of that, developing and designing fabric buildings to protect livestock, hay, grain and machinery from the harsh Prairie elements. We are proud of our agricultural roots and excited to support the industry’s future with the development of leading livestock research by MBFI and exemplary animal care and comfort within in our structures.”
The agreement with Winkler Canvas will provide a fabric-covered building erected at two research farms. Construction of the two structures is underway and MBFI will be celebrating and showcasing the partnership at the December 8, 2016 Extended Grazing Demonstration Day at the Brookdale MBFI site. Producers, industry reps and the general public are all welcome to attend the event.
“As a Manitoba-based research farm, we need to do our best with every hand that our weather deals us,” says Blyth. “Having Winkler Canvas on board to help buffer the conditions as well as provide areas of comfort for our extension events, as well as our animals, researchers and staff is a huge moment for us.”
For More Information:
Karli Reimer, MBFI Communications,